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 Who Should Read This Book

        This book is for anyone fascinated by the biotechnology industry and for those who want to learn of the challenges and rewards that accompany the developing of a biotechnology product.  Scientists and physicians, university professors, pharmaceutical executives and business school students; it is written for those interested in starting or joining a development-stage biotechnology company such as the entrepreneur, or would-be entrepreneur, and team members in these start-up organizations.  It is for the critical support groups, those whose work and efforts support and partner with biotechnology, such as patent attorneys, executive recruiters and, regulators, to name a few.  This information will also be of interest to those who finance this industry, such as venture capitalists and angel investors.  You may be an investor, analyst, or someone yearning to learn what goes on behind the scenes in the building of a biotechnology company.  No matter whom the reader— you will learn things applicable to help you work effectively with and in the biotechnology industry.  Those who seek guidance and practical insight into the challenges that lie ahead in building a biotechnology company will find this information invaluable.

        This book will be a road map for the life science entrepreneur to help navigate the labyrinth of starting and building a successful biotech company.  You may be a former pharmaceutical executive with many years of experience; you may be a professor, scientist, or physician with the gnawing desire to build a business based on a breakthrough medical technology.  Even experienced biotech professionals will gain additional insight by seeing the world from the eyes of the entrepreneur to better understand what they can do to support the growth of these biotech companies.  Finally, for those who just want to know the inner workings, challenges, and opportunities within such an organization, they will find that the process of developing a biotech product is fascinating, and perhaps not as straightforward as they may have originally thought.